Freestyle football

Freestyle football is a unique sport, a real art of performing various tricks with a soccer ball. “Free style” already implies a complete absence of boundaries, freedom of thought and the ability to do whatever you want with the ball. Modern freestyle is a mix of football, break dance, acrobatic stunts, circus shows and a great way to express your individuality.

In a fairly short period of time for the development of football freestyle, less than 20 years, there has been a huge leap from street subculture to a full-fledged sport. National, continental and world championships are regularly held, which gather thousands of sports fans from all over the planet. And the direct connection with the sports of millions, football, contributes to the development of freestyle at a rapid pace due to its accessibility, simplicity and attractiveness.

Do you want to become one of the best football freestylers in the world? First, you need to learn to masterfully handle the ball. You must have strong motivation, dedication and a lot of imagination. Don’t forget that there are no obstacles and restrictions on the road to success. And the variety of training videos and tutorials available online make it easy to find inspiration for a good start.


We perform world-class freestyle shows. Don’t believe us, just watch

What are we for

Freestyle Football show is a multi-tool for entertainment and business

Live Perfomance

Freestyle Football show

Advertising projects

Commercial shooting and staging tricks

Product Launching & Brand Promotion

Clients crave emotions, and we give them

Mass Media Coop

Riveting the attention of the audience

Our Clients

There are really a lot of them. Be the new one.

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Team Members

"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team" (c) Phil Jackson









We are Global

Here's map of our performances. And it's growing

Side Project

The BALLERS show

We represent a new format that is perfectly suited for any kind of sporting events.

To Learn more

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